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Writer's pictureDr Belinda Coker

7 information resources on coronavirus disease

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

Dedicated to those who are frustrated by parents, friends, aunts and uncles who keep sending them fake news by WhatsApp!

7 Trusted Information Resources on Coronavirus Disease

This article intends to be simple and concise; providing a list of trusted, credible medical information resources on coronavirus disease so you can stay updated with recent development and current guidance, determine what is fake news and if desired enable a deeper dive into coronavirus disease research and the impact of the coronavirus disease across the globe.

Coronavirus Disease: A brief summary

On 31 December 2019, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Country office in China was notified about an outbreak of a Pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan, China. On 30 January 2020, the WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern in relation to this outbreak. On 11 February 2020, the WHO named the disease COVID-19. COVID-19 is caused by a newly discovered (novel) coronavirus. On 11 March 2020, the WHO declared the coronavirus disease outbreak to be a Pandemic. (WHO)

Scientists across the world are working to understand the virus, find drugs that can reduce the severity of the illness and predict the impact the virus could have on the population. There is much uncertainty and fear around coronavirus disease which is why a constant stream of text messages, updates, articles, videos, memes, reports and charts are broadcasted on TV and radio, circulated via print and shared by social media. Most of this information aims to keep the population informed, some sources attempt to advise and help, some intend to scare or even deceive. It can be difficult to determine what information is credible and accurate versus what information is rumour, inaccurate, fake or scam.

But firstly please remember!

*The NHS is still providing urgent care and treating urgent and emergency conditions*

Call 999 if you have symptoms of a heart attack (central chest pain that moves up towards your neck and down your left arm), stroke (face drooping on one side, difficulty speaking, weakness or numbness of one side of your body) or severe difficulty in breathing (can not talk or speak due to breathing difficulty).

Check for COVID-19 symptoms by using the NHS 111 coronavirus symptom checker.

If the above doesn't apply and you need medical assistance dial 111 or use NHS 111 online.

Trusted Sources of information on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

1. NHS

This single page on the NHS website is very useful. If you bookmark or save that link you will have access to other relevant links for information you need:

· General advice for everyone including how to help the NHS understand more about how and where coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting you. If you have symptoms and know what to do.

· To obtain advice on self-isolation if you or someone you live with has symptoms.

· To obtain advice for people at higher risk.

· Advice if you have symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 infection. Use the NHS 111 coronavirus online symptom checker if you live in England, read guidance from NHS Inform if you live in Scotland, use the symptom checker on NHS Direct if you live in Wales or the review information from Public Health Agency if you live in Northern Ireland.

· Access to websites organisations that advise on specific health conditions such as Asthma, Stroke, heart or circulatory disease, Arthritis and other lung conditions.

· Links to information for health professionals.

· Links to the Government website including additional links to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2. Gov.UK (Also see links to the Government website including additional links to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.)

The link to the Gov.UK website provides comprehensive information on

· How to protect yourself and others including Stay at Home guidance

· Employment and financial support

· School closures, education and childcare

· Business and self-employed

· Healthcare workers and carers

· Travel

· How coronavirus is affecting public services

· How you can help

· Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the UK

NHS Advice for parents on COVID and childhood illness

Information about reported cases and deaths across the world can be found on the World Health Organisation (WHO) COVID-19 situation dashboard . The WHO has set up a service which provides messages about COVID-19 by Whatsapp upon request. This means that you can get information when you request it, rather than receiving numerous message each day. The service is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. The service is called WHO Health Alert.

Information about global research activities is also available. Towards the bottom of this page you can also access links to reputable and free online resources e.g The bmj, New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Elsevier, Wiley, Springer Nature, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Centers for Disease Control and Protection, Chinese Medical Association Publishing House (Abstracts in English are provided).

4. Other Government websites (Public Health England and Department of Health)

You can find out about the number of recorded coronavirus cases and risk from COVID-19 in the UK and read about latest developments in testing and vaccine development by UK organisations from the Department of Health and Public Health England websites.

5. Speaking to a Healthcare Professional

You can also call 111, speak to your registered NHS GP by phone or video or consult a private online GP if you require medical advice.

Checklist for video calls with your doctor or healthcare professional

The Corona virus facts database has been set up by an alliance of fact checking organisations across 70 countries in more than 40 languages. The alliance is continuously fact checking various messages, photos and videos. The database can be found on the Poynter website.

Full Fact is an independent fact checking charity for the UK. Therefore, they find the relevant information to dispel misinformation including information from politicians and the media. This particular page is dedicated to fact checking of information related to COVID-19.

Please stay at home and stay safe!

The information in this article is primarily for members of the public.


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